Building Lasting Relationships

We are the trusted advisors to our wide client base which includes leading businesses, government and institutions.

What makes our HR services different?

We become your Business Partner
We can help you scale up as your company grows
We become part of your journey
We have your back as you grow
We really care about the organisations we work with

Meet Our Team

We are a highly qualified team of HR services professionals with a vast amount of experience in many sectors.

Caroline Browne HR Support In Dublin

Caroline C. Browne

Managing Director

Caroline holds a B.A. (Hons) in Mental Science (1994) through Trinity College, Dublin and a  M.B.S. (Hons) in Business Strategy and Human Resources Management (1998) through University College Dublin.

Eyleen de Brun Head HR Services

Eyleen de Brun


With a background in consultative management Eyleen has gained a breadth of experience with leading Irish/Global organisations. She brings a broad range of experience to her role as Director Founder of the HRP Group in 2004.

Leisa Brown HRP Group

Leisa Browne


Leisa is a Director level executive search expert. She is a strategic, internationally focused talent acquisition, recruitment and resourcing Director with global experience and a track record of success in attracting the best of national and international candidates for senior placements.

Caroline Haughey HR Consultant in Dublin