HR Support Services From HRP Group

Professional HR Representation

HRP Group highly qualified and trained professionals who provide representation for our clients at third party forums such as the Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court.

What can we provide for you?

We consult with our client, provide detailed advice and prepare submissions to present on the day of the hearing. OurĀ  provide a full investigation service for bullying and harassment complaints, disciplinary and/or grievance investigations, and other workplace investigations which demand detailed and accurate investigation reports.
Our HR support specialists have accredited mediators with the Mediators Institute of Ireland. The mediators assist clients to address employee complaints. The aim is to resolve them in a progressive manner before they become formal, costly and damaging to the business.

HR Consultants Outsourcing

Our HR Consultants provide outstanding HR Support to large and small organisations on a Retainer or Project Basis. Read more about how we can outsource to your company and provide our HR Services